Whether you’re planning to open a restaurant or want to be more successful in this industry, a blog post is an essential tool. Having a blog allows you to engage with customers, rank higher in search engines, build brand authority and boost social media engagement, among others. Research shows that restaurants with at least 50 blog posts increase their traffic by 53%. Therefore, if you post quality blog posts often, you too can bring prospects to your restaurant promotions. The following blog posts ideas are significant for restaurants:

Showcase Upcoming Events

It is important to share what’s happening in your restaurant if you want to maximise your event attendance. Explain the history of the event, how and why it is celebrated. You can also post quality pictures of the event after the fact to persuade your audience to attend upcoming events.

Feature Your Specials

Your specials are special for a reason. Therefore, you should flaunt them on your blog. Give the reader a reason to go to your restaurant to try that delicious meal they read about online. Similarly, explain what makes it so tasty or why you chose to feature new and different ingredients from the common ones.  Moreover, add high-quality pictures to make them know what they are missing out.

21 Ideas For Your Restaurant Social Media Content For 2019 | Restaurant Manager

Customer Testimonials

The opinions of  happy and satisfied customers are the best references for your restaurant. Sometimes guests want to see what other people think of your restaurant before trying it out. Depending on how much the customer is willing to contribute, you can choose different ways to do the testimonials. It can either be a simple message testimony or a video interview  testimonial.

Publish Selected Recipes

Customers see your restaurant as notable providers of good food . If they love your food, they will certainly appreciate the knowledge you have of cooking. If you want to connect with your audience on a deeper level, share some of your recipes so they can prepare them at home. Try sharing former recipes or ones which takes a lot to cook and they will happily come to the restaurant to have you, the expert, make it for them.

Staff Bios

This is a great way to add a personal touch to the restaurant blog. You can also show the audience who you are and who is part of your restaurant family. For example, when you get a new chef, introduce them on the blog and include reasons for pairing up. Naturally, the audience will want to visit the restaurant to see if they meet the said expectations.

Health and Lifestyle Tips

Having a restaurant blog doesn’t mean you can only blog about food. Your restaurant blog can expand its topics to include health and lifestyle tips inspired by your food.  For example, if your restaurant is exclusively vegan, you can blog about veganism, its importance as well as its challenges.

Finally, there you have it, a few blog post ideas that you can use to build a stronger online community and attract visitors to your restaurant. If writing is not your forte, you can hire professional article writers to do the blog posts for you.