The market always offers what is needed by customers. The companies provide more if the demand is higher. In the case of fresh meat, the restaurant visitors in Hong Kong always ask for more and better beef. They just love it.

What is important here is that there are more types of this kind of food. Some are better and some are not. Some are affordable, and others are not. Depending on what people ask for, the companies will deliver without a question, and the customers always want a dish that’s affordable and as tasty as possible.

In the search for this, they completely forgot about the most important issue – health. If you want to get a tasty and cheap product you must understand that this isn’t going to be the best product for your health.

Always look for grass fed beef in Hong Kong restaurants. Ask the chefs what type of meat they offer. Most of them are getting a more affordable option because it’s cheaper and people don’t understand the difference. You shouldn’t be one of them especially if you value your health enough.

Why You Should Always Choose A Good Product?

There’s no arguing that we all want to save some money and have a bigger savings fund. However, this money should never come to the cost of health. The grass-fed meat is healthier than the rest, and that’s a fact. It’s better to pay some more than risk your health with every new bite you make. You can’t sit on the table and be afraid if your heart is going to stop because you pumped too much cholesterol in it.

And we don’t say cholesterol just like that. The cheap products coming to the HK market are coming from America most of the time. They are filled with products that are not good for people’s health. Why? Follow up!

What Is Cheap Beef Made Of?

The meat coming from the States is filled with fat. When you eat it, you’re actually putting your body in danger. Cows are animals that were around on earth for as long as the humans are. Both species are a part of the food chain that has been going on for centuries.

We all know that cows feed with grass. They give milk and when they are ready, humans use it for food. At the same time, their byproduct is used by the earth as a natural fertilizer that helps the grass grow and have enough food for the very same cows. In other words, this chain is linked forever and works in perfect harmony. Everyone’s satisfied.

The problem appeared when people started to become greedy. In the quest for more wealth and company profits, the breeders in animal farms managed to find a more affordable way of feeding cows. They give them grains instead of standard grass. See more about this on the link.

This way, the cows grow faster and have more meat on them. Thus, they are ready to go to the slaughterhouse faster and with it, the farmers make more money. The growing process is also cheaper because grains are more affordable and at the same time more caloric. It makes the cows literally fat, just like people would be if they eat the same food.

The companies buying this product are very happy with this because they can buy more of it for a much better price. At the same time, they profit more by selling it for a lower price to restaurants. The restaurant owners are the happiest as they are able to offer their customers an affordable beef dish that looks juicy and tastes great.

Still, this is food that is filled with unhealthy materials inside. The taste is also different than regular beef. Some people got so used to it that when they try the original one they don’t like it anymore. It’s just like in all of the other food industries, the products we buy and consume is extremely unhealthy but made so tasty that we literally become addicted to it.


How To Know If You’re Being Served The Original?

The best thing to do is ask. The chef will probably not lie to you because it’s easy to see the difference once you understand it. On top of this, their businesses depend on it and lying to customers will spread through the internet virally.

To know how this meat looks and tastes like, it’s best to try both. Chances are great that you’ve tasted the unhealthy version more than once, but no one knows if you have ever tried a grass-fed beef. The main difference is in the calories. Learn more about calories here:

Knowing this, you should also know that caloric food is always tastier. It’s a normal human reaction, we see calories as important because in the past when humans struggled to get food, everything caloric was appreciated more even beyond everything else. In time, we developed a feeling of consumerism toward it.

Also, grain-fed meat is looking juicier. If you put two of them next to each other, the first one will look like it was made in a Hollywood studio for marketing purposes. The other one will be looking normal. However, the second one is healthier and this is the one you should always consume.



With all of the points listed above, you should have enough knowledge and experience to see and understand the difference between the two. When you start consuming the healthy type, you’ll never go back to the other one because you simply know how dangerous this is.

Grass-fed cows are a standard link in the food chain and in the global process of keeping the environment as it was for thousands of years. Cutting this process will change the look of the planet. We don’t want this to happen. It turns out our actions are directly responsible for the existence of the entire world.